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Estimulación magnética transcraneal (TMS)

What is TMS?

¿Qué es TMS?

TMS es la terapia de estimulación magnética transcraneal , un tratamiento no farmacológico para la depresión mayor. TMS utiliza pulsos magnéticos enfocados, similares a una resonancia magnética, para reactivar las sinapsis latentes en el cerebro y ayudar a que su cerebro funcione de la manera en que debe hacerlo. La terapia TMS es un tratamiento ambulatorio que dura tan solo 19 minutos por sesión .  

¿Qué tan pronto verás los resultados?

Muchos pacientes con TMS comienzan a ver mejoras dentro de las 2 a 3 semanas de tratamiento. Eso puede incluir cambios en el estado de ánimo, menos días de depresión y un mayor deseo de relacionarse con otras personas con más frecuencia. De hecho, ¡sus amigos y familiares pueden notar sus resultados antes que usted!

Como con cualquier terapia, la finalización es clave. Completar el curso completo de 6 semanas de tratamiento de TMS brinda la mejor oportunidad de brindar un alivio duradero de la depresión.  

¿Mi seguro cubrirá TMS?

El tratamiento de TMS está aprobado por la FDA y la mayoría de las principales compañías de seguros cubren o reembolsan el tratamiento para los pacientes que califican. Las calificaciones incluyen :

  • Es un adulto al que se le ha diagnosticado un trastorno depresivo mayor (MDD) de moderado a grave.

  • Su depresión no se ha aliviado con al menos 2 medicamentos antidepresivos (algunas compañías de seguros requieren hasta 4 medicamentos fallidos)

  • No está embarazada ni amamantando

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A Proven Effective Treatment.

Over 6.6 million NeuroStar Advanced TMS treatments have been performed in over 182,000 patients. In real world outcomes, 83% of patients experience an improvement in the severity of their depression, with 62% of patients showing complete remission.  Research shows response rates for medication decrease with every subsequent treatment.

Backed by Research.

During a NeuroStar Advanced Therapy treatment session, a magnet similar in strength to that used in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine is used to stimulate nerve cells in the area of the brain thought to control mood. These magnetic pulses may have a positive effect on the brain’s neurotransmitter levels, making long-term remission possible.

Trusted by Professionals.

Since the FDA clearance of NeuroStar Advanced Therapy TMS in 2008, insurance coverage for eligible patients has increased significantly. Currently, there are over 60 coverage polices for NeuroStar Advanced Therapy TMS, including most Medicare contractors. Although NeuroStar Advanced Therapy TMS is not a first line of treatment, it is an alternative option for those who are not responding to or cannot tolerate medications. Call us today.

Relief without the common side effects of antidepressant medications.

NeuroStar is not a drug, “shock” therapy, or surgery. And it doesn’t have any of the common side effects associated with traditional antidepressants.​ There is no sedation, anesthesia, or recovery time and for most people the NeuroStar treatment is relaxing. The most common side effect is mild to moderate pain or discomfort at the treatment site that usually subsides within the first week of treatment.

A New Hope for Adolescent Depression.

If you are looking for another option to treat adolescent depression, you are not alone. Each year, nearly 1 in 5 US adolescents experience at least one major depressive episode. NeuroStar TMS is now FDA approved for adolescents.

Will my Insurance cover TMS?

TMS treatment is FDA-cleared, and most major insurance companies cover or reimburse the treatment for patients who qualify. Qualifications include:

  • You’re an adult who has been diagnosed with moderate to severe Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

  • Your depression has not been relieved by at least 2 antidepressant medications (some insurance companies require up to 4 failed medications)

  • You are not pregnant or nursing

For further information about NeuroStar and TMS treatment, please visit

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